Happy New Year’s Eve. 2021 approaches—but first, here’s a look back at our most-read essays of 2020. The following list is sorted by pageviews, with separate sections for print articles and web exclusives. Have you read them all?
Our 25 Most Popular Print Articles:
1. Suicide of the Liberals, Gary Saul Morson
2. Back to the Future, Peter Thiel
3. The Fury of the Fatherless, Mary Eberstadt
4. My Time in Prison, George Cardinal Pell
5. Why I Am Not a Liberal, Ryszard Legutko
6. The Myth of Medieval Paganism, Francis Young
7. Under the Rainbow Banner, Darel E. Paul
8. Loving to Know, N. T. Wright
9. Learning Latin, Joseph Epstein
10. Why I Am a Baptist, R. Albert Mohler Jr.
11. Secular Monks, Andrew Taggart
12. The Final Enemy, Carl R. Trueman
13. Poet of Loneliness, Gary Saul Morson
14. Methodism Dividing, Kevin Watson
15. Replace the Elite, Patrick J. Deneen
16. Deleuze on Desire, Angela Franks
17. Prince of Diplomats, Peter Hitchens
18. Postconstitutional America, Nathan Pinkoski
19. Protestants in Rome, Joshua Kinlaw
20. Strategic Long-Term Propaganda, Randy Boyagoda
21. More Is Needed, Vincent Phillip Muñoz
22. Publishers’ Bind, Joshua P. Hochschild
23. Cheever’s God, Matthew Schmitz
24. The World Turned Upside Down, Matthew Rose
25. For and Against Integralism, Michael Hanby
Our 25 Most Popular Web Exclusives:
1. Coronavirus Reality Check, R. R. Reno
2. Say “No” to Death’s Dominion, R. R. Reno
3. Epidemic Danger and Catholic Sacraments, Thomas Joseph White
4. The Billionaires Behind the LGBT Movement, Jennifer Bilek
5. Kamala Harris’s Record of Anti-Catholic Bigotry, Kenneth Craycraft
6. Questioning the Shutdown, R. R. Reno
7. Kamala Harris’s Threat to Religious Believers, Kenneth Craycraft
8. When the Dogma Lives Loudly, Charles J. Chaput
9. Keep the Churches Open!, R. R. Reno
10. Mr. Biden and the Matter of Scandal, Charles J. Chaput
11. We Love Big Brother, Peter Hitchens
12. What I Learned From Amy Coney Barrett, Laura Wolk
13. Theological Fraud, Michael Pakaluk
14. Church As a Non-Essential Service, Matthew Schmitz
15. More Than Our Appetites, J. D. Flynn
16. China’s Catholics and the Church’s Moral Witness, Michael R. Pompeo
17. A Strange Split in the UMC, Carl R. Trueman
18. The Real Damien of Molokai, C. C. Pecknold
19. Goodbye to the European Union, Peter Hitchens
20. Deaths Delayed, Carl R. Trueman
21. A Protestant Apocalypse?, Carl R. Trueman
22. A Striking Display of Sophistry, R. R. Reno
23. The Strain on the British Monarchy, Peter Hitchens
24. Of Statues and Symbolic Murder, Wilfred M. McClay
25. C. S. Lewis and His Stepsons, Jonathon Van Maren
We’ll bring you more outstanding writing on religion and public life in 2021—but we can’t do it without the support of our readers. Donate today!
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