May 2010

A Dedicated Life
Gilbert Meilaender writes a letter to his old friend Stanley Hauerwas . Dear Stan, I read your…
The Heat Is On I’d like to add a point to William Anderson’s “Some Like It Warm”…
Quantum Leaps
George Gilder’s enthusiasm has always been infectious. In his recent book it is feverish. His 1981 bestseller…
Believe It or Not
I think I am very close to concluding that this whole “New Atheism” movement is only a…
Truths Still Held?
This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of John Courtney Murray’s We Hold These Truths: Catholic Reflections on…
Bitter Pill
Introduction Economists and other social scientists have written extensively about the impact that contraception has had on…
God and Mrs. Roosevelt
In her 1958 autobiography, Eleanor Roosevelt described an occasion in the early days of the U.N. Human…
A King in Israel
Israel is a Jewish state but has not succeeded in defining just what that means in a…
Review of With Walker Percy at the Tupperware Party
With Walker Percy at the Tupperware Party: In Company with Flannery O’Connor, T.S. Eliot, and Others by…
The Christian Difference
Among the Gentiles: Greco-Roman Religion and Christianity By Luke Timothy Johnson Yale, 461 pages, $32.50 n It…
Review of Aquinas: A Beginner’s Guide
Aquinas: A Beginner’s Guide by Edward Feser Oneworld Publications, 224 pages, $14.95 n Do not let the…
Review of Breakwater
Breakwater by Catharine Savage Brosman Mercer University Press, 112 pages, $30 n If classical meter really did…
Review of Can God Be Trusted?
Can God Be Trusted? Finding Faith in Troubled Times by Thomas D. Williams FaithWords, 224 pages, $19.99…
Review of Conversations with William F. Buckley Jr.
Conversations with William F. Buckley Jr. edited by William F. Meehan III University Press of Mississippi, 208…
Review of Fly Fishing with Darth Vader
Fly Fishing with Darth Vader: And Other Adventures With Evangelical Wrestlers, Political Hitmen, and Jewish Cowboys by…
Devotion and Sensibility
Judaism: A Way of Being by David Gelernter Yale, 248 pages, $26 n The gateway to a…
Review of The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture
The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture by Scott Klusendorf Crossway Books, 256 pages,…
Review of The Constant Fire: Beyond the Science & Religion Debate
The Constant Fire: Beyond the Science & Religion Debate by Adam Frank University of California Press, 304…
Pacifying Violence
The Myth of Religious Violence: Secular Ideology and the Roots of Modern Conflict by William T. Cavanaugh…
Review of The Sabbath World
The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time by Judith Shulevitz Random House, 246 pages,…
Review of What is Truth?
What is Truth? From the Academy to the Vatican by John M. Rist Cambridge University Press, 376…
O Homer, Where Art Thou?
The Lost Books of the Odyssey: A Novel by zachary mason farrar, straus & giroux 240 pages,…
I’ve learned to live in wise simplicity
I’ve learned to live in wise simplicity, To look into the heavens and to pray, And wear…
For Lucia, on Her Confirmation
In Houston once, the candles running out Before we got to Easter Vigil (late), I held you…
On The Birds
Is love like this? A trap, a whirring thing That hunts you down by beak, and flock,…
In a Church in Venice
Its marble floor includes a graven granite slab: Monteverdi’s. I mention this not to tell you he’s…