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Love Among the Ashes

Brian A. Graebe

February 14 this year brings the rare convergence of Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day. Rarer still is that it will happen in 2029 as well, twice in one decade....

Cleaning Up the Pope’s Mess

Brian A. Graebe

When Time magazine published its issue on the 100 most influential people of the 20th century, the columnist and pundit Peggy Noonan wrote the profile for her former boss,...

Notes Toward a Eucharistic Revival

Brian A. Graebe

On a Wednesday evening this past Lent, I joined a dozen Catholic young adults for an evening of prayer and friendship at an apartment in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. After...

Review of Can God Be Trusted?

Brian A. Graebe

Can God Be Trusted? Finding Faith in Troubled Times by Thomas D. Williams FaithWords, 224 pages, $19.99 n America suffers from a crisis of trust. From the bedroom to...