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The G20 Gets Religion

Mary Ann Glendon

This month in Bali, Indonesia, the G20 Summit held its first annual Religion Forum, the “R20.” On November 2 and 3, over four hundred Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, Jewish, Christian,...

Reclaim Human Rights

Mary Ann Glendon

Longtime readers of First Things may recall that the April 1998 issue featured a nuanced statement “On Human Rights” by the Ramsey Colloquium, a diverse group of Christian and...

The Bearable Lightness of Dignity

Mary Ann Glendon

It’s hard to imagine a decent politics that doesn’t depend on the notion of the dignity of the human person. It’s unfortunately also hard to specify how to anchor...

God and Mrs. Roosevelt

Mary Ann Glendon

In her 1958 autobiography, Eleanor Roosevelt described an occasion in the early days of the U.N. Human Rights Commission when she invited three key players to her Washington Square...

Cicero Superstar

Mary Ann Glendon

More rare than athletes who have played both baseball and football in the major leagues are individuals who have achieved great distinction in both politics and philosophy, the vocations...

Off at College

Mary Ann Glendon

I Am Charlotte Simmons by Tom Wolfe Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 646 pp. $28.95 When the heroine of I Am Charlotte Simmons ”a smart, beautiful, small-town girl”sits down to...

Discovering Our Dependence

Mary Ann Glendon

Discovering Our Dependence by Mary Ann Glendon When Otto von Bismarck established the world’s first social security system, he never dreamed that a large proportion of the populace would...