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First Latin Mass

Len Krisak

Under their trapdoor brass lid buried flushIn marble lay the notes: a shallow tombOf keys that Lazarus-like would ring the chimesAt consecration. Just the lightest brushOf fingertips, the slightest...


Len Krisak

I never shot a commie or a Nazi In ’66, but this is what I did: Field-stripped an M1 when I was in ROTC. There were a lot of...


Len Krisak

Already gravid, she ascended, nearly bereft of any solace, faith, or hope. The pregnant matron, proudly and austerely knowing, met her on the slope, aware of all that Mary...

Review of Breakwater

Len Krisak

Breakwater by Catharine Savage Brosman Mercer University Press, 112 pages, $30 n If classical meter really did begin with literal feet (versifiers out for a walk, two short steps...

What Good Is It That Girls Need Never Go To War?

Len Krisak

What good is it that girls need never go to war     Or wear a shield or march in columns orBow down to Mars, if they take out a...