
On the verge
of the unthinkable,
the iceberg turns unsinkable
to the hull. The buoying force
of water reverses pull
the precise moment
we’re short a few lifeboats
to get home in.
On contact, the accident
doesn’t change,
claims Thomas Aquinas;
it’s a shift in substance
as when sipped wine
becomes sanguine
against the lip,
what’s manifest
of the great mass
of which liquid
in the vessel
is just the tip.


Dostoevsky’s Credo

Gary Saul Morson

What does it mean to believe something? Is it possible for a person to profess an idea…

Large Language Poetry

Nikolas Prassas

In my ideal undergraduate course in literary criticism, the first semester would include a brisk introduction to…

Knausgaard and His Time

Jonathan Clarke

The Third Realmby karl ove knausgaard,translated by martin aitkenpenguin, 512 pages, $32 Karl Ove ­Knausgaard treats the…