Winter strains toward spring.
A bird is singing in a leafless tree.
The river gleams, the sidewalks glint with ice
or with a hint of possibility.
A blade of sun bisects the afternoon
street. In such a slippery spot I fell,
righted myself, stood up,
and found myself no longer in the winter
but in a city and a season slyly
disguised as ordinary, but transfigured.
The grime of dailiness was all rinsed clean.
In a leafless tree a bird was singing.
The Next DEI Challenge in Higher Ed
President Trump’s executive order “Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity” puts colleges and universities on notice. If…
Biden Is the New Francis
Early in 2016, articles began to appear noting similarities between Pope Francis and Donald Trump. Trump’s promise…
Pope Francis’s Apocalyptic Dream
Pope Francis published his suicide note. It took the form of a letter to the American Catholic…