March 2014

Nabokov’s Supernatural Secret
In 2009, the remains of Vladimir Nabokov’s unfinished last novel, The Original of Laura, were published, more…
Keeping Faith in Provo
Oh say, what is truth? ’Tis the fairest gem / That theriches of worlds can produce, /…
Against Heterosexuality
Alasdair MacIntyre once quipped that “facts, like telescopes and wigs for gentlemen, were a seventeenth-century invention.” Something…
The Decline and Rise
of Secular Judaism
In his 1782 book Letters from an American Farmer, John de Crèvecœur asked the most famous and…
Inequality and Agency
n Inequality and Agency n What is inequality? It’s the unbalanced distribution ofnpower and control over wealth…
Escaping the Exemptions Ghetto
As the cases challenging the Health and Human Servicesmandate make their way through the courts, the main…
This Time Will Not Be the Same
G od willing, the new evangelization will happen, but let usnot imagine that this time will be…
Roland on Consciousness
A few months ago, the morning before my eldest brother wasto return home to Norway after a…
Discrimination Even though we disagree on gay marriage and on gay rights more generally, I admire R.…
Briefly Noted
The Future of Religious Freedom: Global Challengeseditedby allen d. hertzke oxford, 386 pages, $29.95 In matters of religious…
Incurious Dawkins
An Appetite for Wonder:The Making of a Scientistby richard dawkinsecco, 320 pages, $27.99 Richard Dawkins’ An Appetite…
Dogma and Beauty
The Fine Delight: Postconciliar Catholic Literature?bynicholas ripatrazonewipf & stock, 202 pages, $23 Shortly after Robert Lowell’s conversion…
Who’s Right?
The Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Right and Leftby yuval levinbasic, 296…
A Double Life
Byrdby kerry mccarthyoxford, 304 pages, $39.95 Judging by the tracks programmed by my local classical music radio…
Divine Perfection
The God of the Gospel: Robert Jenson’s TrinitarianTheology? by scott r. swain?ivp academic, 258 pages, $24 How…
Saving Jesus
“BrickHouse Security saves Jesus for 8th year in a row, offers free GPS tracking of nativity scenes…
Early light slants low across the lawn.Cuplike, this little valley brims with sun.Pages fill and empty. In…