Tuesday, March 11 6:00 - 8:00 pm

The Hour for a New Humanism

214 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002

Our world is characterized by a collapse in what it means to be human—human nature over the last century has been dismantled, disenchanted, disembodied, and desecrated. Our politics reflects this. We need both a political ethos and policies that reflect a truer anthropology, one that understands our exceptionalism, our embodiment, but this ultimately requires a religious dimension. How do we rediscover personally and as a society what it means to be human?

Please join us at the Heritage Foundation (214 Massachusetts Ave NE) as we welcome First Things contributing editor Carl Trueman to present this year’s D.C. lecture. 

Carl R. Trueman is a graduate of the Universities of Cambridge (M.A., Classics) and Aberdeen (PhD, Church History). He has taught at the Universities of Nottingham and Aberdeen, and Westminster Theological Seminary. In 2017–18 he was the William E. Simon Visiting Fellow in Religion and Public Life in the James Madison Program at Princeton University. Since 2018, he has served as a professor at Grove City College in the Calderwood School of Arts and Humanities. He is a contributing editor at First Things and Touchstone, an opinion columnist at WORLD magazine, and a Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

His most recent books are The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Expressive Individualism, Cultural Amnesia, and the Road to Sexual Revolution and Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution (both from Crossway) and (with Bruce Gordon) The Oxford Handbook to Calvin and Calvinism (Oxford University Press). His writing has appeared in Deseret JournalThe Wall Street JournalNational ReviewAmerican MindClaremont Review of Books, and Public Discourse. He and his wife Catriona have two adult sons and one granddaughter.

Registration for this event is free; however, we encourage a voluntary donation of $25. If you have questions about registration or other questions about the event, please email ehancock@firstthings.com.

Sponsorships are available for this event and start at $1,000. If you would like to learn more about sponsoring this event, please email cgiuntini@firstthings.com.

This Lecture is kindly sponsored by:

Benjamin Roose


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