Home Improvements

M ellow and glowing with autumnal red
A nd also ochre striped with golden light,
R epainted bedroom with a brand new bed
L eft made up, crisp sheets awaiting night;
O ld layers overlaid with something fresh,
N ew, and sorting out, giving away,
C lear for a different union of flesh
A nd spirit, window to another day;
L ife turns its wheel of change. To think each wall
I nto another color, and to act,
L inking vision, patience, and skill,
O ver old patterns stroking one bold fact,
V ows renewed, dreams dreamed. This glowing room
E ncloses pure potential, like a womb.


Pope Francis’s Apocalyptic Dream

R. R. Reno

Pope Francis published his suicide note. It took the form of a letter to the American Catholic…

Trump for Women

Carrie Sheffield

On Wednesday, President Trump signed an executive order titled “Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports.” It requires…

Give the National Endowment for the Arts Back to the Public

Michael Astrue

For decades, Americans have become increasingly alienated from the American arts establishment. The main source for their…