A zone of promise throbs along
the horizon where May meets June.
Sweet leaf or sap smells: conversations
renewed between trees now
so graceful in their drapery of green
you’d never guess how lately they have taken
it from winter storage and have shaken
it out and put it on.
A similar illusion
persuades me that the park has always been
luxuriant and feathery as now.
Children have always caromed to and fro.
River and sky were always steeped in just this glow.
There was never snow.
The USCCB Should Reject Federal Funds
On Monday, Pope Francis sent a letter to the bishops of the United States. Criticizing the Trump…
Eliminating DEI from Higher Education
President Trump’s executive order “Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity” puts colleges and universities on notice. If…
Biden Is the New Francis
Early in 2016, articles began to appear noting similarities between Pope Francis and Donald Trump. Trump’s promise…