Driving on the Solstice, tuning in
to Public Radio, I heard a voice,
legitimately trained, a little thin,
but earnest; the soprano’s every choice
sound, in phrasing and interpretation.
She made me think of High Church, vestments, chimes,
and incense wisping at a congregation—
a proper lullaby for modern times.
Once home, I craved the Voice Squad’s plainer tones:
saw the shadows walk as blank light dimmed,
felt the dank chill in December’s bones,
and tasted pewter on the tankard rim.
The Next DEI Challenge in Higher Ed
President Trump’s executive order “Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity” puts colleges and universities on notice. If…
Biden Is the New Francis
Early in 2016, articles began to appear noting similarities between Pope Francis and Donald Trump. Trump’s promise…
Pope Francis’s Apocalyptic Dream
Pope Francis published his suicide note. It took the form of a letter to the American Catholic…