Sticks and Stones

Some say it like a charm
in the face of words heavy as stone,
or a riddle of subtle pebbles thrown,
each sticking point like a firearm.
As if the saying would erase the harm.
Raging fire or cold as ice, we’ve known
too well where words can send us.
Words can cut us to the bone
and even end us.

—Diane Thiel


Russia’s Sacrilegious War on Ukraine 

George Weigel

Today’s Russian Orthodox leadership is a theological, moral, and pastoral train wreck. U.S. foreign policy can’t fix…

Mind the Gap

Kit Wilson

Believe: Why Everyone Should Be Religiousby ross douthatzondervan, 240 pages, $29.99 I grew up in a religiously sympathetic,…

Killing Time

Matthew Rose

On October 29, 1945, Jean-Paul Sartre delivered his lecture “Existentialism Is a Humanism,” a declaration of independence…