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DN 12.16.05 Following the no…

David Novak

“This article is coming soon… if you need the text for time-sensitive research or reference, please contact support”

Lonely Men of Faith

David Novak

Some Christians regard the thought of Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik as so anti-Christian that Christians should take no interest in it—as, indeed, many of Soloveitchik’s disciples take no interest in...

David Halivni’s Great Light

David Novak

Any Jew who survived the Holocaust is “a brand plucked from the fire” (Zechariah 3:2). That is especially true of any European Jew, and even more so of any...

The Bottom Line

David Novak

There are two facts of my life that my grandchildren used to tell their friends with pride. One is that in the year 2000, as part of my application...

Law of Nations

David Novak

Political Theology of International Orderby william bain oxford, 272 pages, $85 Whatever international order there is today, it certainly is not beholden to political theology for its justification. Nevertheless,...

Supersessionism Hard and Soft

David Novak

Supersessionism describes the theological conviction that the Christian Church has superseded the Jewish people, assuming their role as God’s covenanted people, Israel. At first glance, supersessionism seems to be...

Saving Contradiction

David Novak

Rav Kook: Mystic in a Time of Revolution by yehudah mirsky yale, 288 pages, $25 Yehudah Mirsky’s bio­graphy of Rabbi (or “Rav”) Abraham Isaac Kook, the first Chief Rabbi...

A Rabbi Remembers Pope Benedict

David Novak

This article is coming soon… if you need the text for time-sensitive research or reference, please contact support

The Jewish Mission

David Novak

Although most Christian churches advocate some sort of mission to non-Christians, no Jewish group advocates a mission to non-Jews. Proselytization seems to be foreign to Judaism. Are covenant and...

Because of What God Has Done

David Novak

My host told me, a rabbi with a yarmulke on my head, to address the pope in Yiddish. This I did, and I could tell from the expression on...

The Man-Made Messiah

David Novak

The most recognized face of any Jewish leader of the past fifty years belongs to the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, even more so today than at his death...

Why Are the Jews Chosen?

David Novak

One way anti-Jewish sentiment has been interpreted is simply as a quid pro quo. Gentile animosity, in this view, does to the Jews what the Jews have done, or...

Conrad Black and Judaism

David Novak

This article is coming soon… if you need the text for time-sensitive research or reference, please contact support

Richard and the Jews

David Novak

In his youth in rural Ontario and rural Texas, Richard John Neuhaus had little or no contact with Jews––but as an adult his contact was constant. And this played...


David Novak

Sacred Attunement: A Jewish Theology by Michael Fishbane University of Chicago Press, 246 pages, $30 The word theology means literally God-talk . But since talk about anything”even talk about...