For the fire that answers the covering dark,
For every marriage that ends in faith,
For the hand that finds desired work,
And for every reconciled death,
We bless you, O Lord, and we ask that
we may be added to their number.
For the wall that answers wind’s assault,
For every roof that withstands weather,
For the level and square and the justly built,
And for long lives that have kept their savor,
We bless you, O Lord, and we ask that
we may be added to their number.
For the hour that we have squandered,
Have mercy on us.
For the hour we have begrudged,
Have mercy on us.
For the good that we have coveted,
Have mercy on us.
And for the good we have neglected,
Have mercy on us.
For the day lived with its end in mind
And for the remembrance of such a day,
For the losing race, run to its end,
For the blue sky and the night sky,
We bless you, O Lord, and we ask that
we may be added to their number.
—Timothy Dusenbury
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