Volume 281

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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End-Times Anxiety

R. R. Reno

An atmosphere of crisis envelops us. Political commentary has become hysterical, not just on clickbait Internet platforms,…

The Anti-Christian Alt-Right

Matthew Rose

As you may know, many young conservatives have left Christianity,” the message begins. “Although I was raised…

Eternal Rome

Martin Mosebach

I was fifteen when I first saw Rome. One of my mother’s sisters had invited me to…

Believe, That You May Understand

Charles J. Chaput Thomas Weinandy O.F.M. Cap.

In 1970, Michael Polanyi wrote an essay called “Why Did We Destroy Europe?” In it, he reflected…

Goodbye, Heraclitus

R. R. Reno

The political winds are shifting, and our elites are increasingly dismayed and disoriented. Voters throughout the West…


Briefly Noted

Andrew M. Lang

With God in America: The Spiritual Legacy of an Unlikely Jesuit by walter j. ciszek, s.j. loyola,…


Ron Austin

I am the last living blacklisted Hollywood writer. I can’t prove this any more than I could legally…

The Two Universities

Mark Bauerlein

In January, news came out that Emory University received a $400 million gift from the Woodruff Foundation.…

Not Power But Glory

Shalom Carmy

Jews and Christians alike pledge a higher loyalty that they honor in ways that seem incomprehensible to…

Political Supersessionism

Robert Benne

Last spring I attended a conference at the newly established St. Olaf Institute for Freedom and Community,…



EVANGELISM While I appreciated Robert Barron’s 2017 Erasmus Lecture, “Evangelizing the Nones” (January), the bishop overestimates the…


The Lost Modernist

David Bentley Hart

David Jones: Engraver, Soldier, Painter, Poetby thomas dilworthcounterpoint, 432 pages, $39.50 The Sleeping Lord and Other Fragmentsby…

Illiberal Democracy

Kyle Harper

Demopolis: Democracy Before Liberalism in Theory and Practiceby josiah obercambridge, 222 pages, $24.90 Liberal democracy is a…

Sacred Sociology

Richard Spady

The Sacred Project of American Sociologyby christian smithoxford, 224 pages, $28.95 Things wouldn’t be so bad if…

Utopian Temptation

Timothy Fuller

Why Liberalism Failedby patrick j. deneenyale, 248 pages, $30 Patrick Deneen asserts that liberalism has failed. He…

Ecumenical Incorrectness

Mats Wahlberg

Roman but Not Catholic: What Remains at Stake 500 Years after the Reformationby kenneth j. collins and…


The Crown

Mark J. Goodman

The Prince, the Beloved,Upon whom God’s favor rests,Scourged to the point of death,Can we truly call Him…