Volume 134

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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June/July Letters


Getting the Story Right Stephen M. Barr’s “Retelling the Story of Science” (March) provides an excellent framework…

Secularism at Bay

C. John Sommerville

Among the many notable decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court in the area of religion was the…

What God Knows

Timothy George

There is a medium-sized theological brouhaha stirring within the evangelical academy these days, and, unlike some of…

Justice Stevens’ Religion Problem

Robert F. Nagel

On many occasions the Supreme Court has declared that the religion clause of the First Amendment prohibits…


Modernism, Science, and Spirituality

Gregory Wolfe

Exploring the Invisible: Art, Science, and the Spiritual by lynn gamwell princeton university press, 344 pages, $49.95…

Building from the Wreckage

Cynthia L. Rigby

In the Ruins of the Church: Sustaining Faith in an Age of Diminished Christianity by R.R. Reno…

Briefly Noted 54


An Introduction to the Christian Orthodox Churches. By John Binns. Cambridge University Press. 270 pp. $22 .…

A Relevant Traditionalist

David Novak

Essential Essays on Judaism by Eliezer Berkovits editied by David Hazony Shalem. 393 pp. $22.95 paper. During…

Servants of One Sovereign Master

Robert T. Miller

God, Locke, and Equality by Jeremy Waldron Cambridge University Press. 263 pp. $22 paper The account of…

Second-Hand Civ.

Edward T. Oakes

Eccentric Culture: A Theory of Western Civilization by Rémi Brague Translated by Samuel Lester St. Augustine’s. 205…

Revolutionary Perspectives

Michael Zuckert

To Begin the World Anew: The Genius and Ambiguities of the American Founders by bernard bailyn knopf,…


One Darkest Night

St. John of the Cross Rhina P. Espaillat

One darkest night I went, aflame with love’s devouring eager burning— O fortunate event!— no witnesses discerning,…

Church Clothes

Richard C. Lambert

The chameleon charms with wizardry to escape his humble lizardry, blending in with vain show blizzardry, Chameleon…

Atque Vale

R.S. Dietrich

From Georgia, through South Carolina, North Carolina, around Greenville and Charlotte, across the Tugaloo River, and the…

The Concert

William Walden

It offers many dividends: The opportunity to meet And chat with old and new-found friends; The amiable…

Death Song

Terese Coe Pierre de Ronsard (1524-1585)

From orchards, and gardens, and house I move on, From porcelain and goblets engraved by the potter,…