Volume 115

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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Will All Be Saved?

Richard John Neuhaus

The question of universalism—whether all will, in the end, be saved—is perennially agitated in the Christian tradition.…


The Nature of Law


Robert P. George’s “ What is Law? A Century of Arguments ” (April) will be a wonderful…

The Vietnam Wars

Andrew J. Bacevich

Like Israelis and Palestinians eyeing each other suspiciously from adjacent hilltops in the West Bank, Americans who…

Putting Parents in Charge

Theodore Forstmann

Lincoln warned that the United States could not long survive half slave and half free. To which…

Turn Out the Lights?

James Nuechterlein

Not long ago, my pastor asked if I’d be willing to serve as a delegate for our…

The Passing of R. J. Rushdoony

William Edgar

Rousas John Rushdoony died on February 8 of this year, at the age of eighty“four. He was…


The Divided Self of William James

Michael L. Raposa

In his 1895 meditation on the question “Is Life Worth Living?” William James concluded that human life…

Briefly Noted 35


The Mobilization of Shame: A World View of Human Rights . By Robert F. Drinan, S.J. Yale…

Why Angels Fall: A Journey Through Orthodox Europe from Byzantium to Kosovo

Walter D. Connor

Why Angels Fall , a mixture of travelogue and theological/religious commentary on the history and culture of…

Culture of Death: The Assault on Medical Ethics in America

Richard M. Doerflinger

At a recent conference on the ethics of withdrawing nourishment and fluids from mentally incompetent patients, I…

Postmodernizing the Martyrs

Brian E. Daley

Dying for God:Martyrdom and the Making of Christianity and Judaismby daniel boyarinstanford univeristy press, 247 pages, $51…

Greek Ways: How the Greeks Created Western Civilization

Edward T. Oakes

When Karl Barth was at the height of his fame and productivity in the years between 1930…




Extra place set at your mind’s table like Ezekiel’s: empty glass, clean spoon. Hands that never pointed…