April 2021

Abortion is Unconstitutional
Begin with Blackstone’s Commentaries,” wrote presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln in 1860, when asked how to get a…
Ethics of Leadership and Ethics of Teaching
John Keown spoke recently about the ethics of nuclear weapons. In his lecture, “The Pope and the…
Gnostic Politics
I recently met a medical student who was beginning her rotation in internal medicine. A special morning session…
Masters and Slaves
In the autumn of 1933, Alexandre Kojève announced to his class that history was over. He did…
The Gospel According to Dickens
In the popular understanding of Christmas, Charles Dickens’s 1843 novella looms large. A Christmas Carol seems to…
Anti-Religious Education
I spent the first thirty years of my adult life fighting racial injustice in America. I was a…
At Home on Revolutionary Road
One of the hoariest clichés of American popular culture is anti-suburban sentiment. Common throughout literature, film, and…
Bread of Poverty
In the Bible, the week-long holiday of Passover is usually called the festival of unleavened bread (matzot).…
Salazar It is invariably a pleasure for an author when his book lands in the lap of…
Music That Is Never Heard
One of the most haunting images I know of comes from the last days of James Simon,…
The Virtue of Jealousy
Jealousy is often confused with envy. Envy is coveting something someone else possesses. It is one of…
Briefly Noted
Allah:God in the Qur’anby gabriel said reynoldsyale, 344 pages, $30 In his latest book, Allah: God in…
History Never Ended
History Has Begun:The Birth of a New Americaby bruno maçães oxford, 248 pages, $29.95 Is liberalism giving…
Law of Nations
Political Theology of International Orderby william bain oxford, 272 pages, $85 Whatever international order there is today,…
Nordic Penelope
Vowsby sigrid undsettranslated by tiina nunnallyminnesota, 336 pages, $17.95 Oh, to be married in the Middle Ages!…
To Defend Freedom
The Cunning of Freedom:Saving the Self in an Age of False Idolsby ryszard legutkoencounter, 200 pages, $25.99…
Woke Religion
American Awakening:Identity Politics and Other Afflictions of Our Timeby joshua mitchell encounter, 296 pages, $28.99 We Americans…
Daring to Say the Our Father
Christ Himself taught us in prayerCall God our Father, and so I dareClaim kinship I’d not else…
Sonnet 118
I leave my sixteenth year of sighsand head into my final onealthough it seems I’ve just begunexploring…
The Day Is Now Far Spent
I saw the buckling of Notre Dame’s spireAnd then its swift fall into raging fireAs though the…