Coffee and leather armchairs, candlelit,nCard-playing in corners, glassware, jumping flamesnIn open fire places. Drinks to hand we sitnWatching the beards and spectacles at games.
Mount Carmel wine. The candlelightnIs gold and silver points on polished glasses.nWall ornaments, china, tablewarenThe keepers of the passes.
Comfort. Mozart somewhere. A warm roomnIn a pleasant club-land scene.nThe candle flame jumps before the facesnOf the card-players dressed in green.
A click of cards, a murmuring of voices,nA certain heightened feeling in this place.nCold wind outside. Here, well warmed and tendednWe watch each player’s face.
A snowy wind from hills of stone and mud.nWe chatter with liqueurs, lingering thereon.nThe candles flicker to the distant thudnOf guns in Lebanon.
No ambiguities, no ounce of doubtnIn this Now at least, this moment pinned,nGold and silver bubbles, thin bands of steelnWith candles in the wind.
Russia’s Sacrilegious War on Ukraine
Today’s Russian Orthodox leadership is a theological, moral, and pastoral train wreck. U.S. foreign policy can’t fix…
Mind the Gap
Believe: Why Everyone Should Be Religiousby ross douthatzondervan, 240 pages, $29.99 I grew up in a religiously sympathetic,…
Killing Time
On October 29, 1945, Jean-Paul Sartre delivered his lecture “Existentialism Is a Humanism,” a declaration of independence…