Link my subscription to the First Things app

If you have our First Things iOS app and did not purchase a subscription through the Apple Store, you may access the app content with your active First Things subscription.

  1. Open the app, go to “Settings,” then select “Activate Subscription”.
  2. Use one of the three subscription verification methods using the the information you used to subscribe to First Things (Account & Zip code, Email & Zip code, or Mailing Address).
  3. Once your subscription is verified, you can create an app account with a username and password specific to the First Things app.

Trump for Women

Carrie Sheffield

On Wednesday, President Trump signed an executive order titled “Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports.” It requires…

I Hate the Chiefs

Peter J. Leithart

In real life, I’m a gentle soul—easygoing, tolerant, deferential, emotionally steady with a tilt toward whimsical joviality.…

Purity Culture Isn’t the Problem

Carl R. Trueman

The last decade witnessed a sharp turn against the so-called purity culture that emerged in the 1990s…