Domestic Incident

I hear my neighbor smashing his guitar 
against the wall. He’s done it once before 
when in a rage. This time he can’t afford
to get another. They’re expensive things.
And yet he loved that wooden box with strings
more than his wife. (Their daughters sit afraid
and wordless under his bizarre tirade.)
Should I call 911, report a case 
of spouse abuse? He hasn’t touched her face 
or body, simply bellows that she keeps him
from his writing, hovers while he sleeps . . .
She wouldn’t thank me. She remains unmoved,
shelters her little girls and simply waits
while he destroys the only thing he loved
rather than strike the woman that he hates.


Trump for Women

Carrie Sheffield

On Wednesday, President Trump signed an executive order titled “Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports.” It requires…

Give the National Endowment for the Arts Back to the Public

Michael Astrue

For decades, Americans have become increasingly alienated from the American arts establishment. The main source for their…

Pro-Lifers and the Trump Administration: Wins, Concerns, and the MAHA Opportunity

Charles C. Camosy

Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear knows that the pro-life movements have received some…