
The uplifted unfolded phone
casts its lunar digital glow
on the face of the young woman pausing
to scan its screen before snapping
the microelectronics shut
the way my mother would close her compact,

that slim round clamshell
whose hard black plastic shallow halves
opened to offer a handy mirror
hinged to pressed powder
she’d deftly pad onto her tired turned cheeks
before hiding it in the purse with a click,

that vanity the size of a rotary’s slow dial”
a way to reach herself, a local call.


Give the National Endowment for the Arts Back to the Public

Michael Astrue

For decades, Americans have become increasingly alienated from the American arts establishment. The main source for their…

Pro-Lifers and the Trump Administration: Wins, Concerns, and the MAHA Opportunity

Charles C. Camosy

Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear knows that the pro-life movements have received some…

Manners, Methods, and Greatness

George Weigel

Browsing Footprints in Time, the memoirs of Winston Churchill’s longtime private secretary, John Colville, I found a…