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The True Cost of Discipleship

On this day sixty-three years ago, Lutheran pastor and theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer was hanged (actually slowly asphyxiated to death) at Flossenburg Prison, a mere three weeks before it was liberated by Allied forces. Bonhoeffer had been imprisoned for his role in the July 20 Plot, the conspiracy . . . . Continue Reading »

Watch EWTN—and This Space—for the Papal Visit

FOR THE MOST COMPLETE VIEW OF THE PAPAL VISIT, you will want to watch EWTN (check your cable listings), where Father Neuhaus will be cohosting with Raymond Arroyo the coverage of all events in Washington and New York. We are hopeful that Father Neuhaus will also have some daily postings on this . . . . Continue Reading »

George W. Bush: The Movie

As you may or may not know, Oliver Stone is making a film based on the life of the president, entitled W , starring Josh Brolin as Bush. It’s way too easy to begin with the jokes—not about W, but about W , and the director’s “gift” for creative re-imaginings: Think JFK . . . . Continue Reading »

Charlton Heston Is Dead

The man who parted the Red Sea, who dared dicker with his pontiff, who sought justice in a border town, who fought zombies, talking apes, and pagans: Charlton Heston is dead at age 84. Richard Corliss over at Time has a respectful overview of his life and career. Christianity Today film reviewer . . . . Continue Reading »

The Long Issues War

A blog has been started to investigate further the reasons for the cancellation of the popular radio progam Issues, Etc. . Among the bloggers is Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, whose Wall Street Journal piece located the cancellation within the context of larger denominational issues. Lutheran . . . . Continue Reading »

Talk About Conservative …

Is there such a thing as a tech-savvy Luddite? If so, Lance Ulanoff , editor in chief of PC Magazine , qualifies. ( Note to self: Remember club-and-burlap-bag “motivation” tool . . . ) . . . . Continue Reading »

Things No Kid Says When He’s 10

“I’m going to open a barbed-wire museum !” “I want to look at spoons all day!” “I want to own all the squished pennies in the world!” Then again, maybe some do . . . Thanks to Evangelical Outpost for this fun link . . . . . Continue Reading »

The LCMS Mess—Part Deux

Listen to Mollie Ziegler Hemingway on the White Horse Inn talking about the Issues, Etc. debacle and the real issues behind the precipitate purging of that very popular radio call-in show. Mollie pulls no punches in her analysis of the division within the LCMS and the role that division . . . . Continue Reading »

Steve Barr’s Lecture Schedule

Stephen M. Barr, physicist, author , and First Things contributor , will be giving the following lectures in April: Tuesday, April 1, 11:05 p.m., Wyncote, PA “Faith, Physics, and God: A Physicist Looks at the Dialog between Science and Religion” Reconstructionist Rabbinical College 1299 . . . . Continue Reading »

Seize the Day

. . . is the Catholic Channel’s morning show (6-10 am), hosted by Gus Lloyd, on Sirius Satellite radio. Starting Monday you may want to make a point of tuning in ( available online ), as there are several noteworthy guests and a couple of significant anniversaries. Monday On the third . . . . Continue Reading »



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