A blog has been started to investigate further the reasons for the cancellation of the popular KFUO.org radio progam Issues, Etc. . Among the bloggers is Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, whose Wall Street Journal piece located the cancellation within the context of larger denominational issues.
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod president Gerald Kieschnick responded to Mollie’s piece . He was not amused. Nor was he very effective, as the “reasons” given for the hammer-drop have been pretty much picked apart on various Lutheran blogs .
Augsburg 1530 offers, among other things, an open letter to the synod president that you can sign.
It takes a lot to get Lutherans to shift into activist mode. We pretty much believe if you’re agitated about something, you’re probably a Baptist. And any kind of ventilation (like breathing) is frowned upon for fear of a charismatic renewal. So believe me, Issues, Etc. is going to come back in some form, somewhere. It’s just not a good idea to get Lutherans angry. Last time this happened, historians ended up calling it the Thirty Years War.*
*For the overly literalTHAT WAS A JOKE, not a call for violence. If you are so inclined, you might want to sign the petition ; sign the open letter ; if you’re able, support Todd Wilken and Jeff Schwarz financially and continue to follow the Wittenberg Trail .
Update: Ya gotta love this .