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Listen to Mollie Ziegler Hemingway on the White Horse Inn talking about the Issues, Etc. debacle and the real issues behind the precipitate purging of that very popular radio call-in show.

Mollie pulls no punches in her analysis of the division within the LCMS and the role that division may—most probably did—play in the pulling of Issues from the air.

Nota Bene: That online petition to save the show has nearly 6,000 digital signatures. And if you look at who is taking the time not only to share their John Hancocks but also to leave a comment or two, you will find that folks from Baptist, Presbyterian and Reformed, “Bible church,” and ELCA backgrounds were fans and supporters of Issues .

Given that Lutherans, particularly of the LCMS variety, are known more for their insularity than for their outreach, this program, and the response the cancellation has elicited, is setting Lutherans ablaze in a way the powers that be most probably never intended.

Here’s a question: Why must confessional Lutherans, who number in the millions and cross LCMS, ELCA, WELS, and ELS denominational borders, rely on corporate headquarters for their media—namely programs such as Issues, Etc. and magazines like The Lutheran Witness ? Are there no other resources, no other media mavens, who would be inclined to fund radio broad- or podcasts and an independent magazine? (Let’s get really bold here, how about a cable network along the lines of EWTN? Nah . . . I know . . . that’s just loony . . . )

Update: I have been reminded that Lutheran Forum is an independent confessional Lutheran publication that can provide an outlet for Lutheran voices outside the usual channels.


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