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Great Figures, Major Error

Another double-offering in “On the Square” today. First, in her Tuesday column, Elizabeth Scalia reflects on the meeting next week of The Twentieth Century’s Last Great Figures . Benedict XVI and Elizabeth II “know all too well what happens when governments and ideologies . . . . Continue Reading »

More Gnostic Than Thou

This is an attempt to revisit the terms of a contemporary theological cliché. I don’t know who invented the argument that anybody lower than you on the sacramental realism scale is supposed to be called gnostic, but it’s an argument that has caught on. Any defection from high . . . . Continue Reading »

Practical Theology

Theologians for the most part are a placid and contemplative tribe. That is a shame, for practical theology can be exhilirating. No-one allow me into a PhD program in theology, one academic friend warns, much less give me a teaching position at any reputable (or even disreputable) institution of . . . . Continue Reading »

Christian Attacked in Indonesia

Outside a church in Indonesia , a Christian was stabbed in the stomach and the minister, who came to the first victim’s aid, was hit in the head with a wooden plank: No one claimed responsibility for the attacks. But suspicion immediately fell on Islamic hard-liners who have repeatedly warned . . . . Continue Reading »

Constitution Day at Georgetown Will Include ME

Please join the Tocqueville Forum for a Constitution Day Roundtable: Constitutional Morality? Friday, September 17, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Inter Cultural Center Auditorium On the campus of Georgetown University Featuring: Dr. Richard Hassing, Professor of Philosophy at The Catholic University of America . . . . Continue Reading »

The Golden-Mouthed Preacher

Today the Church remembers St. John Chrysostom, a great preacher and leader in the early Church. Made Archbishop of Constantinople in 398, he was impolitic enough to denounce the opulence, hypocrisy, and debauchery of the imperial court, earning him banishment in 403. While I was writing a . . . . Continue Reading »



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