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President Obama appeared to violate his oath of office by promising not to enforce federal law with regard to medical marijuana in states where it is legal.  Apparently, the Justice Department didn’t get the message.  From the story:

Despite campaign promises to the contrary, the Department of Justice under President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder hasn’t stopped raiding marijuana dispensaries operating in states where sale of the drug is legal for medical purposes. But the DOJ has demonstrated one marked change now that it’s under Democratic control: The department has stopped publicizing medical marijuana raids, both by requesting that more cases be sealed under court order and by refusing to distribute press releases.

Late last week, DEA and FBI agents raided five medical marijuana dispensaries in Nevada. In July, DEA agents raided the home of 65-year-old Mendocino County, California, grower Joy Greenfield and confiscated plants, money, and her computer. Also in July, DEA agents raided the home of a couple in Michigan who were licensed by the state to use marijuana, as well as three medical marijuana dispensaries in San Diego. In January and  February of this year, the DEA raided two medical marijuana research labs in Colorado.

I keep saying this, if we want to fix the medical marijuana mess, the best way is to change the federal Controlled Substances Act so that cannabis can be prescribed in proper circumstances like other drugs.  That would bring order out of chaos, control out of near anarchy, and permit true medicinal uses for cannibis without allowing recreational pot pushers to hide behind sick people.

Rule of law, folks. Rule of law.  That, or just flat out legalize it at the federal level and led each state decide its own approach to marijuana.

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