An Urgent Message for Traditional Catholics

As rumors of a looming ban of the Latin Mass have spread in recent weeks, a petition is circulating. The author of it is James MacMillan, the Scottish composer, and it bears the title “Stop the ban on the Traditional Latin Mass.” 

The petition says nothing political or provocative. “Please keep any messages of support respectful,” it concludes, “as this petition does not in any way challenge the authority of Pope Francis.” Instead, it pleads for the survival of a tradition that has given Catholics “spiritual solace.” At a time of global harassment of Catholics, those people shouldn’t be “forced to disown their own precious heritage.”

I just added my name to the roster. If you would like to do the same, here is a link to the petition page, where signing is simple.

Mark Bauerlein is a contributing editor at First Things.

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Image by Novis-M, licensed via Creative Commons. Image cropped.


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