Rejection Note for Paradise Regained

Loved that first book—it’s got no equal— 
but, Johnny, we don’t love your sequel.
If you would only take a chance
on self-help or a gay romance,
we’d let you keep your last advance.
Phony conspiracies would do
if you could find a hook or two— 
like someone famous who won’t sue.
Marketing knows you’ll see the light,
and thinks Da Vinci is just right. 

—A.M. Juster
May 2006


Why Women Cannot Be Deacons

James Keating

Much has recently been written about the possibility of the Church sacramentally ordaining women to the diaconate.…

What Protestants Get Wrong About the Epistle to the Hebrews

Peter J. Leithart

The Epistle to the Hebrews proclaims the superiority of the new to the old, the second to…

Mind the Gap

Kit Wilson

I grew up in a religiously sympathetic, if not always actively practicing, household. During my toddler years, my…