Daggers, broadswords, halberds, battle-axes, shields, helmets, scabbard parts and buckles, spearheads, manacles, necklaces, wine jars, war trumpets, wagon, chariot and harness fittings, armor and heraldic metalwork
entombed in wooden mortuary houses under earthen mounds with severed skulls of conquered enemies fashioned into goblets ready beside the skeleton of the lord seated in his vehicle of prestige
disassembled for passage to the next world the godlike male, all drinking fighting man surrounded by his concubines and servants and strangled children to keep him company across this threshold, and coins, millions of coins.
Biden Is the New Francis
Early in 2016, articles began to appear noting similarities between Pope Francis and Donald Trump. Trump’s promise…
Pope Francis’s Apocalyptic Dream
Pope Francis published his suicide note. It took the form of a letter to the American Catholic…
Trump for Women
On Wednesday, President Trump signed an executive order titled “Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports.” It requires…