Liel Leibovitz’s article “Fight Together, Win Together” (December 2023) is a stirring encapsulation of the dark side, so to speak, of intersectionality’s ideological ascendancy within western academic institutions. Two questions stand out to me after reading the piece. Several groups of . . . . Continue Reading »
Russell Kirk was haunted by the past. Ghosts prowled his house, peering through windows, moving furniture, startling guests. Far from resenting these presences, Kirk welcomed them. For he regarded society as “a spiritual union of the dead, the living, and those yet unborn.” He propounded this . . . . Continue Reading »
Speaking to a Baltimore audience in 1864, Abraham Lincoln made an observation that remains uncomfortably true today. “The world has never had a good definition of the word liberty,” he said, “and the American people, just now, are much in want of one. We all declare for liberty; but in using . . . . Continue Reading »
In the aftermath of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, the New York Times published an opinion essay that was strangely crude and sophisticated at the same time: “White Women, Come Get Your People.” On the surface it runs on raw invective. The author, Alexis . . . . Continue Reading »
Russell Kirk: American Conservativeby bradley j. birzerkentucky, 608 pages, $34.95 Drive up Route 131 from Grand Rapids, veer east of the Manistee National Forest, and you come to the village of Mecosta. This is a tiny hamlet of nineteenth-century settlement, much reduced from its ancient . . . . Continue Reading »
Those who know more on Bradbury’s bio can fill us in on the question of his religion, but at the least, he was a writer making a sane and conservative use of our longingly imaginative leaps into the future. A stark contrast to the now-forlorn future-faith of folks like rock critic Simon . . . . Continue Reading »
“I said to the president, ‘You should have taken me by the lapels and tossed me onto Pennsylvania Avenue for what I have done.’ He said to me, ‘I forgive you.’”Gayle recently spoke with Timothy S. Goeglein, author of The Man in the Middle: An Inside Account of . . . . Continue Reading »