O love, you living flame
who wound with tender fire
my very soul, down to its depths descending!
No longer hushed by shame,
come now, to your desire;
sunder the veil that parts for sweet befriending.O soft subjection!
O wound that joys beget!
O gentle hand! O touch with pleasures rife
that hints at resurrection
and ransoms every debt!
You have done death to death, and made it life.O fiery lamps ignited-
whose bright resplendent gleams
light those deep caverns where the mind, in hiding,
dwelt blind and all benighted-
your dazzling radiance streams
warm rays on the beloved there abiding!How tenderly you love me
and conjure in my breast-
that secret place where you alone are treasured-
how”your sweet breath above me-
by heaven’s good possessed-
with what rare lover’s skill have I been pleasured!
Finding Faith in the Fragments
When your parents were married for seventeen years before you were born, as mine were, you spend…
God and Man at Wheaton
Wheaton College once produced some of the boldest Christian voices in America. With graduates like Billy Graham,…
Dostoevsky’s Credo
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