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Religiously Texan

Stanley Hauerwas

Rough Country: How Texas Became America’s Most Powerful Bible-Belt State? by robert wuthnow? princeton, 664 pages, $39.50 I am a Texan. We Texans believe you can’t understand us unless you...

Go With God

Stanley Hauerwas

The Christian religion,” wrote Robert Louis Wilken, “is inescapably ritualistic (one is received into the Church by a solemn washing with water), uncompromisingly moral (‘be ye perfect as your...

The Kingdoms of the World

Stanley Hauerwas

American Babylon: Notes of a Christian Exile by Richard John Neuhaus Basic, 265 pages, $26.95 Near the end of American Babylon comes a paragraph that reads: “The truth about...

In a Time of War: An Exchange

The Editors Stanley Hauerwas

In their editorial “In a Time of War” (December 2001), the Editors of First Things declare: “One matter that has been muddied in recent decades should now be clarified:...