January 2006
January Letters 79
Randomness and Intelligent Design The controversy resulting from Cardinal Schönborn’s opinion article in the New York Times…
The Prudence of Abraham Lincoln
Say the word prudence to the ancients, and you would have named a virtue. Say it to…
God and Man at Davidson
The Presbyterians founded Davidson College in North Carolina in 1837”in order, they said, to educate young men…
Judging Politics
Once there was no politics in the “pre-political” society God created. One day there will be no…
Briefly Noted 1
In Tiers of Glory: The Organic Development of Catholic Church Architecture Through the Ages. By Michael S.…
Knocking on Heaven’s Door
I suppose it is appropriate for a book on eternal life to be long. Given the ground…
Sweet Reason
“Each nation that has ‘liberal’ abortion laws has rapidly become, if it was not already, a nation…
What Do Zombies Think?
I once attended a lecture by a philosopher who, in the midst of a tirade against the…
Imagining Narnia
CS. Lewis is hard to like and easy to love. As a solitary, clever, and bookish child…