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Articles 600

Against the Politics of Grievance
Woke,” shorthand for what was once known as “political correctness,” helped fuel a grievance-based progressive politics that did immense damage to the American body politic, while filling young minds...

The Henry J. Hyde Federal Building, Please
DuPage County is one of the collar counties bordering Chicago. For years, it had the great good sense to send to the U.S. House of Representatives a man the...

Demythologizing Some Recent Catholic History
The National Catholic Reporter recently saw fit to mark Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s seventy-fifth birthday by perpetuating two myths—falsehoods, really—about events in contemporary Church history in which...

Lent and the Purification of Memory
On December 20, 2002, I was at lunch in the papal apartment when the wide-ranging conversation John Paul II always encouraged took an unexpected turn, with the pope asking...

Putting Americans in Iron Lungs Again?
The nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services was transactional: RFK 2.0 abandoned his 2024 presidential campaign (which was drawing...

Cathedrals and Us
The Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in the nation’s capital is a magnificent neo-Gothic structure, based on fourteenth-century English models, that calls itself “Washington National Cathedral”:...

Russia’s Sacrilegious War on Ukraine
Today’s Russian Orthodox leadership is a theological, moral, and pastoral train wreck. U.S. foreign policy can’t fix that. Nonetheless, those responsible for devising U.S. foreign policy should recognize how...

Manners, Methods, and Greatness
Browsing Footprints in Time, the memoirs of Winston Churchill’s longtime private secretary, John Colville, I found a tale from eighty years ago with a lesson for American public life...

Catholics, Hippocrates, and Reforming American Medicine
I am the odd man out in a family of medical folk. My maternal grandfather was a physician; his daughter, my mother, was a medical technologist; my mother-in-law, a...

Joe Biden: When The Last Hurrah Met Catholic Lite
Four years ago, this column praised the courage of Archbishop José Gómez of Los Angeles, then-president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), for his Inauguration Day letter...

From Doubting Thomas to Doubting Peter?
Ralph Fiennes is a remarkable actor. And if he wins an Academy Award for his brilliant performance in Conclave, this section of his masterfully delivered homily to the College of Cardinals, of...
Stacked Decks, “Conversation in the Spirit,” and the Catholic Future
Various cultures—English, Turkish, Chinese—claim to have invented the maxim, “The fish rots from the head down” (a favorite in your nation’s capital during the unhappy years when the Redskins/Commanders...
Jubilee 2025: New Year’s Resolutions and Resources
Jubilee 2025 began on Christmas Eve 2024, with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s in Rome, and will conclude on January 6, 2026, when that door...
Jimmy and the Patriarch, at Christmas
The post-Christmas liturgical calendar may seem a bit Scrooge-like, as the child-centered, innocent joy of the Nativity is quickly followed by three feasts of a different, even sobering, character. ...
Embassy Vatican: Some Demystifications
A change of presidential administrations typically leads to changes in U.S. diplomatic personnel abroad, especially at the ambassadorial level. This, in turn, leads to speculations, some of them zany,...