Event: The Three Worlds of Evangelicalism
First Things Editorial Office, 9 East 40th Street, 10th Floor New York, NY 10016
As society has turned more critical toward Christianity, American Christians are searching for ways to adapt. At this intimate, invitation-only event on April 27, Aaron Renn will put recent cultural changes in context, showing how over the past 60 years American society went from positive toward Christianity, to neutral, and finally to negative. He will then show how this change created and shaped the three major groups of contemporary evangelicals: culture warriors, seeker sensitives, and cultural engagers. After these remarks, Renn will sit down with First Things Associate Editor Justin Lee to entertain your questions. Wine and hors d’oeuvres will be served.
Co-hosted by American Reformer and First Things, this conversation will take place at the First Things editorial office (9 East 40th Street) and begin at 7 p.m. Claim your spot now using the registration form below!