On Magnanimity in a Polarized World
Drexel Hall, 3301 Baltimore Ave, Kansas City, MO 64111
What does the virtue of magnanimity require? Is magnanimity possible in the contemporary world?
First Things editor R. R. Reno and Kansas City Chiefs placekicker Harrison Butker come from very different professional environments. Yet they are joined together by their shared Catholic faith and an earnest desire to practice their faith in an increasingly hostile and complex world. Drawing upon these distinct experiences, Butker and Reno will sit down for an extended conversation before inviting questions from readers like you.
To join R. R. Reno and Harrison Butker for this distinctive conversation, register using the form below. The conversation will be held at Drexel Hall (3301 Baltimore Avenue) in Kansas City and begin at 6 pm.
If you have any questions, please contact Carter Skeel at cskeel@firstthings.com.
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