Institute for Catholic Liberal Education Retreat for Teachers
Thursday through Sunday, July 28-31
The Institute for Catholic Liberal Education will be holding a retreat for teachers at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. The retreat gives teachers, administrators, and board members a chance to rekindle their passion for learning while exploring the foundations of Catholic education. The last day to sign up is May 31. Register and find out more here.
Mass of the Americas
Saturday, January 15
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone will be celebrating the Mass of the Americas at Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral, accompanied by the Benedict Sixteen Choir and with music composed by the Benedict XVI Institute’s composer-in-residence Frank La Rocca. Find out more here.
Dignity & Healing: A Catholic Panel on Restorative Justice
Thursday, January 27
What does the Church teach about restorative justice? Is healing possible for crime victims? Can the formerly incarcerated be reintegrated into society? What can we do? These questions and more will be presented for a panel discussion at the Sheen Center for Thought & Culture. Find out more here.
What is the Common Good in a Pluralistic Society?
Thursday, February 24
As our society continues to fracture, writers across the political spectrum have repeatedly invoked the classical concept of the common good. Yet frequently, today’s invocations of the common good dodge questions about pluralism and pass over these accounts or reject them outright. How can we genuinely promote the common good in a society with so much disagreement about what it is? The Morningside Institute will host a public lecture by Ross Douthat on these very questions at the New York Athletic Club. Find out more here.
For Musick’s Art
Saturday, March 12
Saint Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church will host a concert and lecture on the music of Christopher Tye, an English renaissance composer and later Anglican churchman who worked throughout the reigns of four Tudor monarchs, both Catholic and Protestant. Find out more here.
March for Life
Friday, January 21
We are hopeful that the Court will overturn Roe in the spring, landing a decisive blow against the culture of death in America. However the Court rules, the pro-life movement will still have a great deal of work before it. As we prepare for the long battle ahead, we invite our readers to the March for Life. Find out more here.
Common-Good Capitalism: Prospects and Perils
Tuesday, January 25
Americans are increasingly skeptical of the markets and commerce. The pages of First Things have been a witness to the growing discontent with free market orthodoxy on the right. What are the prospects for this new shift towards a virtue-oriented political economy, and what resources exist within the Christian intellectual tradition to evaluate it? The Catholic University will hold a panel discussion on these issues. Find out more here.
The 2022 First Things Lecture
Tuesday, March 8
Please join us at the Catholic University for our 2022 Annual Lecture, which will be delivered by Josh Mitchell. Find out more and sign up here.
National Symposium for Classical Education
Wednesday through Friday, March 23-25
The classical education movement, which has been steadily growing for years, has exploded in popularity following the mass school closures of the pandemic. This symposium will feature a variety of lectures and panel discussions on the importance of classical education for our time, and the prospects for classical education going forward. Find out more here.
First Things Intellectual Retreat
Friday and Saturday, March 25-26
We are pleased to announce our first Intellectual Retreat in Phoenix. This year’s topic will be freedom, which we will explore across two days of seminars and lectures, with Thucydides, St. Paul, John Milton, Tocqueville, and others as our guides. Find out more here.
Give the National Endowment for the Arts Back to the Public
For decades, Americans have become increasingly alienated from the American arts establishment. The main source for their…
Jane Austen Against the Smartphone
On this day in 1813, England’s most beloved novel was published. Pride and Prejudice has become the…
Unseen Skies
If you have been following this column for a while, you know I love the very idea…