Equality Running Wild

The latest installment in an ongoing interview series with contributing editor Mark Bauerlein. Ryszard Legutko joins the podcast to discuss his recent book The Cunning of Freedom: Saving the Self in an Age of False Idols.

The conversation is embedded below. For your long-term convenience, follow us on SoundCloud or subscribe via iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or Spotify.


The Lessons of Fr. Paul Mankowski

Mary Eberstadt

Paul Mankowski, S.J., who died unexpectedly four years ago this past fall, was the kind of priest…

To Hell with Notre Dame?

Matthew Walther

I first visited the University of Notre Dame du Lac (to use its proper inflated style) in…

Redemption Before Christ

Mark Bauerlein

The latest installment of an ongoing interview series with contributing editor Mark Bauerlein. Gerald R. McDermott joins…