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A Secular Age

I was puzzled by Charles Larmore’s review of Charles Taylor’s new book, A Secular Age , in the current New Republic . The book is sprawling and often maddening, but it is very important (I’ve tried to do it justice in my own review in the forthcoming issue of First Things ), and I . . . . Continue Reading »

Negligence is not Futile Care Theory

I have had some buzz today that a new futile care case may have come to the fore after an Illinois nursing home, the North Logan Healthcare Center in Danville, was fined for violating a patient’s advance directive declaring that he wanted to be resuscitated. But as I looked at the case based . . . . Continue Reading »

The New Atheists … again and again

If we never mention the New Atheists again— they’re atheists! and they’re new! —I’d be just as glad. They always seem to me giddy with the fumes of a dying worldview, and there’s little in them that wasn’t said more forcefully by Robert G. Ingersoll. . . . . Continue Reading »

Saved by Architecture

Usually architects and artists seeking immortality by creating great works of art that will outlast them. But Madeline Gins and Arawaka, a husband and wife team of architects, have created a house that is designed to give its occupants a kind of immortality. The New York Times reports : In 45 years . . . . Continue Reading »

Jesus as Metaphor

In the New York Sun today, John Merriman reviews a new book on Napoleon. It’s a nice review, but this line caught my eye: “Napoleon modestly portrayed himself as ‘the savior,’ and, although not a religious person, encouraged comparisons with Jesus Christ.” Isn’t . . . . Continue Reading »

The Long Issues War

A blog has been started to investigate further the reasons for the cancellation of the popular radio progam Issues, Etc. . Among the bloggers is Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, whose Wall Street Journal piece located the cancellation within the context of larger denominational issues. Lutheran . . . . Continue Reading »



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