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The Population Bust

In yesterday’s Boston Globe , Jeff Jacoby writes of the the dangers of depopulation and of how having more people can help society. A sample: Like other prejudices, the belief that more humanity means more misery resists compelling evidence to the contrary. In the past two centuries, the . . . . Continue Reading »

Regenerative Medicine Cancer "Cure?"

Hopefully this is very big. A patient was injected with billions of his own genetically altered white blood cells and it apparently put his metastasized cancer into remission. From the story:A cancer patient has made a full recovery after being injected with billions of his own immune cells in the . . . . Continue Reading »

Pardon Us for Living

Our friend Wesley J. Smith writes : I have been warning and warning that a virulent anti-humanism is becoming rampant. A site on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (roughly akin to the BBC) Website— Planet Slayer —specifically, “Professor Schpinkee’s Greenhouse Calculator . . . . Continue Reading »

More Attacks on School Choice

First it was DC’s voucher program under attack , now it’s New York’s charter schools. An opinion piece in today’s Wall Street Journal gives the details: Charter schools are built on a simple idea. In exchange for less state funding and a mandate on performance, charters are . . . . Continue Reading »

The Media and the Marriage Debates

The Institute for Marriage and Public Policy has just published a fascinating research brief, ” Newspaper Reactions to California Marriage Cases .” How have Americans responded to the May 15 gay-marriage ruling?, it asks, turning to the editorial pages of the twenty largest U.S. . . . . Continue Reading »



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