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Euthanasia Blues

I first posted this disability rights protest song about euthanasia a few years ago. Given the flow of events, and the many new SHSers who might not have seen it, I decided it was worth repeating. . . . . Continue Reading »

A Civil Religion Worth Fighting For

I’m generally ambiguous about “civil religion” with one magnificent exception—when the Pittsburgh Steelers play in the Super Bowl. And then, there’s nothing ambiguous about it. In the Pavlischek household just about everything is open for criticism and debate with the . . . . Continue Reading »

Debating Illegal Immigration

Here’s an event sure to interest our readers in the sunny world of Atlanta, Georgia: Michael Scaperlanda and William Chip, two First Things contributors, will be holding a debate on illegal immigration—”A Response To Those In Our Midst”—on Tuesday, February 3, at 7 p.m. . . . . Continue Reading »

“That is a Very Painful Thing”

Here’s a revealing statement from the mother of the woman who gave birth to octuplets in Los Angeles earlier this week: She said that doctors had given her daughter the option of reducing the number of embryos, but she had declined. “What do you suggest she should have done? She refused . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: “Imagine the Potential”

“I’m neither pro-life nor pro-choice, but this is the best pro-life ad I’ve ever seen.” So said one NBC employee, after watching ‘s latest ad, ” Life: Imagine the Potential .” If you haven’t seen this forty-second film yet, by all . . . . Continue Reading »



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