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To the Summit

I’m not a musician in any real sense of the word, only an enthusiast. In good choirs I’ve sung in, my contributions have been limited to reasonably non-incompetent alto-line filler, for pieces like Mendelssohn’s Richte mich Gott. That’s one kind of good choir: the choir which . . . . Continue Reading »

The Patriotic Retirement Plan

This is one person’s suggestion for fixing the economy. It appeared in a Florida newspaper that had asked readers to send along their best economic ideas: Patriotic retirement: There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force . . . . Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Dionne and the Rasmussen Reports

Amy Welborn also has some insightful things to say about E.J. Dionne and L’Osservatore Romano : One of the current memes, as we say, making its way through commentary on Obama/Notre Dame and Obama/American Catholics runs something like this: “The Pope and the Vatican don’t seem to . . . . Continue Reading »

On Christians and Political Power

In his column today, Michael Gerson writes about a Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life event at which the sociologist Robert Putnam spoke. Putnam has written, with David Campbell, a book that will be released next year, American Grace: How Religion Is Reshaping Our Civic and Political Lives . The . . . . Continue Reading »



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