Jackson died this day, one hundred and forty-six years ago. He was thirty-nine years old, a kid for crying out loud, and to have accomplished all that he did! We can only wonder at what he would have done at Gettysburg. Surely he would have insisted that Stuart stay close to the army, that Lee insinuate the Army of Northern Virginia between the Army of the Potomac and Washington City and that they fight on favorable terms. But we are left only to consider. I’ll hoist the battle flag to half mast in memory, while we are still allowed.
I have book review of “Chip” Hughes’s History and Transcendence in the current issue of Philosophy Now and another on Antonio Calcagno’s The Philosophy of Edith Stein at The Global Spiral . Both are excellent books.
Being a practicing Luddite it concerns me that I’m reading Daemon by Daniel Suarez, a book my wife brought home from the Lepper Library in beautiful downtown Lisbon, Ohio. This book is scaring me. Peter Lawler, of these pages and others, and surely no gnostic Heideggerian but perhaps a progressivist/technologist of some sort would be delighted.
This morning in “Young” Adult Bible Study, my wife recalled certain events during her blindness that I either had forgotten or pushed out of my mind. She is healed and sees very well and this is one reason why I believe that life is mostly magic, and spirit, and a tensional existence moving either toward or away from G-d, pure Spirit, Eternal Spirit.
It counts greatly that we speak freely, without fear of reprisal either by the state or the forces of political correctness, though I think people are much more frightened by the latter than the former. What have we Americans become?
Wednesday last I drove a car full of anti-Waste Technology Industries opponents to Columbus, Ohio to hear arguments during a state appeals hearing. Met my old friend Lois Gibbs, she of Love Canal fame who I haven’t seen in over twenty years. Lois hasn’t aged, still smokes-God bless her- and still fighting the evil corporations! It doesn’t get any better. The last time these people were there they took over the Ohio EPA building and they had to call the state police-everybody went to jail. Makes me want to break out the six string and deliver a chorus from Kumbaya . . . those were the good, old days!