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God and Real Estate

Our family’s devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Accommodation long predates our reception into the Catholic Church. After moving to England, for example, with two children and some of our earthly belongings and bridges burned behind us and no place to live, and subsequently landing in the best . . . . Continue Reading »

“It’s a Divine Role.”

Yusuf Islam, the folk musician known as Cat Stevens before he converted to Islam, was interviewed by CNN on the occasion of his first concert in Los Angeles in 33 years: CNN: Obama seems to be reaching out to people of all faiths around the world. Yusuf: I think a person like Obama has some kind of . . . . Continue Reading »

Empathy Uber Alles

I can’t believe I’m having this conversation: I’m actually 100 percent positive that were Oprah on the Supreme Court she would do a good job. In a lot of ways, it’s just not that difficult a job. You need a reasonably intelligent, public-spirited individual who’s aware of . . . . Continue Reading »

Double Standards at the Naval Academy

“Academy Justice was Tilted Toward Women: Double Standard in Mid Sex Cases During Rempt Era” That’s the headline in The Capital , the hometown newspaper for Annapolis, Maryland, the home of the United States Naval Academy. The Capital had embarked on a three-year odyssey to get . . . . Continue Reading »

Stop This Man

Matt Frost tips me to Terry McAuliffe’s latest bit of campaign publicity — hamming it up with, that musical posterdude of the campaign (Obama’s) which the Macker, not so long ago, was staying up nights trying to discredit into oblivion. Terry failed; but then again, he . . . . Continue Reading »

Man is Not a Machine

The Global Spiral has an excerpt from John Lukacs’ latest book, Last Rites . An excerpt of an excerpt: It is arguable that the two greatest intellectual achievements of the now ended age of five hundred years have been the invention (invention, rather than discovery) of the scientific method, . . . . Continue Reading »



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