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2009 Lutherans for Life Conference

Lutherans For Life National Conference Celebrating the Abundant Life July 24-25, 2009 Doubletree Westport, St. Louis, Missouri Keynote speaker: Bobby Schindler, brother of Terri Schindler Schiavo Great speakers, workshops and life affirming fellowship! The two-day conference begins at 3:00, Friday, . . . . Continue Reading »

Blessed Are the Green of Heart

In our May issue—now available free online —Alan Jacobs reviews the Green Bible : The project website tells us that “with over 1,000 references to the earth in the Bible, compared to 490 references to heaven and 530 references to love, the Bible carries a powerful message for the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Catholic Double Standard

In the Wall Street Journal , William McGurn wonders why Samuel Alito’s Catholicism was so much more discussed than Sonia Sotomayor’s: It’s possible, of course, that Democrats and their allies in the media and activist community no longer regard Catholics with the suspicion they . . . . Continue Reading »

Sotomayor Favors Originalism

From Southern Appeal : One thing is becoming clear in the early rounds of questioning at Judge Sotomayor’s confirmation hearing:  Judge Sotomayor appears to insist that her past words be interpreted according to her original intent.  I wonder if she would insist that the words . . . . Continue Reading »

Criminalizing Policy Difference

In a puff piece about how wonderful Attorney General Eric Holder is, the Washington Post noted his plans to begin investigations into the behavior of officials in the Bush administration: Then came a bombshell three days ago that has sent Washington political circles reeling: Holder’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Not Yet

“This is my father’s world,” we sang Sunday in church, in the familiar hymn. Certainly it was easy to believe so. Storms had gone through the area the night before, the sun was bright, but the air was clear, without the oppressive humidity that is usual in July. Birds are . . . . Continue Reading »



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