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This just came over from the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith:

A national campaign intended to educate the general public about Islam through a series of advertisements on buses, subways and billboards is tainted by the fact that a Web site related to the campaign links to sites that contain anti-Semitic materials. 

The campaign, organized and funded by the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) under the banner “WhyIslam,” includes advertising featured on 50 municipal buses in the Washington, D.C. area.  The advertisements, which began in June 2009 and are scheduled to run through the end of July, direct the public to the “WhyIslam” campaign Web site to learn more about Islam. 

On the site, “WhyIslam” describes itself as an effort to educate the public, to clarify misconceptions about Islam and calls for interfaith dialogue.  But under “resources on Islam,” the “WhyIslam” provides links to external sites that promote anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel.

President Obama’s attempts to propitiate Islam continuously jar with what Islam wants, which is to throw off the centuries of humiliation that attended the rise of the West and the encirclement of Muslim countries starting in the late 17th century after the 1683 siege of Vienna.

Of course, the American press and the New York Slimes in particular care more about stray allegations of Israeli misbehavior in Gaza than about Turkey’s official charge that China committed genocide in Xinjiang (which is nonsense: the Uyghurs instigated most of the violence). Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, and before long Iraq will run up death tolls that will make the world forget about Gaza.



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