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Fired for Being Christian

A public-school wrestling coach in the heavily Muslim Dearborn, Michigan, is suing on the grounds that he was fired for being a Christin by his Muslim principal. From a Thomas More Law Center press release about the case: Trouble started between Fadlallah and Marszalek when one of Coach . . . . Continue Reading »

Plain, Ordinary, and Decent Things

I didn’t know about John C. Wright till, this winter, the science-fiction writer and reviewer Robert Chase sent me a note suggesting I read Wright’s Golden Age series. You gotta love Wright, though, for this recent response to a reviewer (noted over at the always-interesting Postmodern . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Tax George Hamilton!

Obamacare will tax some unhealthy lifestyles.  Now, we should add users of sunbeds to the list. From the story:The International Agency for Research on Cancer announced Wednesday that it had elevated sunbeds, used by tens of millions of people for tanning, to its highest cancer risk . . . . Continue Reading »

M is for Mars

Over at Image , Santiago Ramos joins First Things ’ campaign to colonize Mars. Slowly but surely, we’ll reach a majority: We seem to aim at so little today, to have such small interests in mind. No wonder the biotech visionaries have gained a hearing: They claim to be going somewhere. . . . . Continue Reading »



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