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Smokette and I are listening to Dennis Miller on the radio—more accurately, on the computer—as is our AM wont. He just cracked a great joke about Obamacare’s plan to require seniors to receive reeducation camp indoctrination—er, mandatory counseling—every five years, calling it “end game counseling.”  He suggested that seniors basically run for the hills from this plan, and I think he is right.

Which brings me t0 the AARP.  Obamacare is going to be partly paid for by deeply cutting the already tight Medicare reimbursement schedules for doctors and other service providers.  That means it will be more difficult to receive medical procedures, fewer doctors willing to take Medicare patients, and those who do having to bear an increased patient load, meaning less personal care, if not poorer quality for our eldsters. And with rationing on the horizon, who do you think will bear the brunt?  Yes, senior citizens.

And what does AARP do?  Endorse the plan and defend the reeducation camps!  I have never thought AARP had the best interests of seniors as its core goal.  It is primarily a liberal advocacy group advocating for left-wing policies whether they help seniors or not. In this case, the AARP’s endorsement is a betrayal of the very class of people on behalf of whom AARP claims to advocate.

Notable exception:It helped pass the Bush Medicare prescription drug benefit and is now seeking to close the “donut hole,” which raises senior’s drug costs when their yearly bill exceeds $2000.  Fair enough.

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